

New FEHRL leadership chosen from mid-2016-mid-2019

New FEHRL President, FEHRL Supervisory Board (FSB) and FEHRL Executive Committee (FEC)

At its recent FEHRL General Assembly meeting (FGA), the following changes to the FEHRL Supervisory Board (FSB) and FEHRL Executive Committee (FEC) as FEHRL leadership from 2016-2019 were agreed and will take effect as of 1st July 2016, this time with a higher proportion of women than previously:

Marit Brandtsegg of NPRA will take over as President from Stefan Strick of BASt. She will be supported by Gerard Waldron of ARRB who remains as Vice President and Maria Antunes of LNEC as Vice President. Andrzej Urbanik of IBDiM will remain as Treasurer and be joined by Audrius Vaitkus of RRI as FEC chairman, Stefan Strick as past President and Hélène Jacquot-Guimbal of IFSTTAR as past Vice President.

Audrius Vaitkus of RRI takes over as FEC chairman from Bojan Leben of ZAG and he is joined by three previous members - Lutz Pinkofsky of BASt, Hans van Saan of Rijkswaterstaat and Bojan Leben as Advisor - and three new members - Gina Ytteborg of NPRA, Agnes Jullien of IFSTTAR and Anita Ihs of VTI.

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