

Review of Infravation at TRA2016 - 18th-21st April 2016

Much appreciation shown for Infravation at TRA2016

At the TRA2016 in Warsaw (18th-21st April), ERA-NET Plus Infravation was spotlighted at several occasions. Infravation was prominently displayed within a booth in the CEDR pavilion at the exhibition area. Many visitors came by and showed their interest for the Infravation programme and the funded Infravation innovation projects. On Wednesday 20th April there was an informal get-together at the Infravation booth.

Moreover, Infravation was presented in two TRA sessions: ‘International Cooperation: Experiences and Open Opportunities’ and ‘Moving forward: the Opportunities and Challenges for Transnational Road Research’. The latter was organised by CEDR, the first one by the European Commission (EC). Besides the Infravation Coordinator Peter Wilbers of Rijkswaterstaat, the EC session featured Ms. Clara de la Torre, Transport Research Director at the European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation and Mr. Gregory G. Nadeau, Administrator, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), USA. The session turned out as a tribute to Infravation and its transatlantic collaboration. The EC expressed their interest in a potential future upscaled follow up of Infravation. During the whole of TRA2016, many people expressed their appreciation for Infravation.

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