

IFSTTAR advertising 12 PhD positions and 1 project manager position

Positions are available within the Horizon 2020 ITN-MSCA project INFRASTAR

FEHRL member IFSTTAR is advertising 12 PhD positions and one project manager position within the Horizon 2020 ITN-MSCA project INFRASTAR. INFRASTAR aims to develop knowledge, expertise and skill for optimal and reliable management of structures. The generic methodology will be applied to bridges and wind turbines in relation to fatigue, offering the opportunity to deal with complementary notions (such as old and new asset management, unique and similar structures, wind and traffic actions) while addressing three major challenges:

  1. Four PhDs in new non-destructive testing methods for early aged damage detection:
    Advanced ultrasonic instrumentation for interferometric monitoring (BAM, Germany) -ESR1
    Fibre-optic sensor for fatigue monitoring (Ifsttar, France) - ESR2 
    Sensor integration, data fusion and information management for industrial monitoring systems (NEOSTRAIN, Poland) - ESR3 
    NDT parameters for fatigue damage identification in structural elements (EPFL, Switzerland) - ESR4
  2. Two PhDs in advanced modelling of concrete fatigue behaviour: 
    Fatigue of reinforced concrete structural element (EPFL, Switzerland) - ESR5
    Reliability of structures exposed to traffic loads and environmental loading (Ifsttar, France) - ESR6
    Lifetime cyclic behaviour of gravity base foundations for offshore wind turbines (GuD, Germany) - ESR7
    Fatigue of wind turbine concrete structures (COWI, Denmark) - ESR8
  3. Four PhDs in probabilistic approach of structure reliability under fatigue:
    Fatigue reliability of concrete wind turbine and bridge elements (AAU, Denmark) - ESR9
    Optimal maintenance planning of existing structures using monitoring data (PHIMECA, France) - ESR10
    Risk assessment (AAU, Denmark) - ESR11
    Quantification of the value of monitoring information (BAM, Germany) - ESR12

The network partners will provide the 12 PhD students (Early Stage Researchers) with a system-wide understanding of structure management on bridges and wind energy technology. This outstanding research training ranges from knowledge in materials to design loads, design of structures, monitoring of existing structures, development of sensors and innovative calculation methods for structural analysis, optimal and reliable management of structures.

INFRASTAR includes Scientific Research in four first-class academic organisations: (IFSTTAR/France, EPFL/Switzerland, BAM/Germany, AAU/Denmark) and four industrials companies (PHIMECA/France, GuD/Germany, COWI/Denmark, NEOSTRAIN/Poland) and three associated partners (EIFFAGE/France, BAST/Germany, SIEMENS/Denmark). The 12 PhD positions will start on 1st October this year and applications need to be done at Click on the attachment below to get more information.


  • Full position with competitive salary
  • Monthly mobility allowance: 600 € (researcher without family obligation) – 1 100 € (researcher with family obligation at the time of recruitment to the project).

Please note the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Mobility Rule: Candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the three years immediately prior to the reference date.

· Flyer_12PhDs_INFRASTAR.pdf
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