

Press release from road pavement sector highlights role of road infrastructure

Press release from EUPAVE, EAPA and FEHRL in response to EC's communication on low-emission mobility

On 20th July 2016, the European Commission released its Communication on “A European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility” (COM(2016) 501), which covers all transport modes. Regarding road transport, the Communication includes proposals on optimising the transport system, low-emission alternative energy, and low- and zero-emission vehicles.

Three associations active in road construction - EUPAVE (the European Concrete Paving Association), EAPA (the European Asphalt Pavement Association) and FEHRL (the Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories) - jointly highlighted the opportunity offered by the road pavement itself to reduce CO2 and other emissions from vehicles. The three associations noted that smooth, well-maintained road surfaces lead to lower rolling resistance, and thus lower emissions from vehicles, and so upgrading and maintaining roads should be part of any strategy to reduce road transport emissions.  They called for increased investment in roads and greater alignment of policies on CO2 with policies for upgrading and maintenance of roads.
“Research by FEHRL’s members has shown that smoother roads can reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles to the order of 5% - this adds up to huge savings across the whole network,” said Thierry Goger, Secretary General of FEHRL.

There is a risk that a lack of sufficient investment in our road infrastructure will mean emissions go up instead of down. Authorities should not forget that degraded roads are not only unsafe, but they also work against CO2 reduction targets,” said Carsten Karcher, Director of EAPA.

 “It would be a shame to miss this opportunity, which requires no new technologies, to reduce emissions while also making gains in terms of safety, efficiency and durability,” said Karl Downey, Secretary General of EUPAVE.


Download this presentation from the link below. 

More information:



· 2016-07-20 Joint press release EUPAVE EAPA FEHRL.pdf
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