FEHRL member Rijkswaterstaat carried out tests with IBDiM and BRRC trucks
Traffic Speed Deflectometer (TSD) from IBDIM and Curviametre from BRRC
In June 2016, for a period of two weeks, two special trucks that measure the strength of the pavement drove around the Dutch highways. FEHRL Dutch member, Rijkswaterstaat (RWS), rented out two trucks from its Polish and Belgian counterparts, IBDiM and BRRC, on a trial basis to determine whether they can identify the strength of the entire road network in this fast way in 2017 and 2018, with the least possible inconvenience to road users.
No road closures
Normally, Rijkswaterstaat only measures the carrying capacity of the ground during maintenance checks. The above-mentioned equipment that was used throughout the Netherlands for a two-week period in June, made it possible to carry out the measurements at a higher speed. This enabled RWS to measure the load bearing capacity of a highway over a relatively short period of time. Moreover, it was not necessary to shut down highways for this, because the trucks rode with the traffic.
Unique measuring equipment
Rijkswaterstaat rented out the Traffic Speed Deflectometer (TSD) from IBDIM and Curviametre from BRRC. There are only six TSDs and two Curviametres in use worldwide .
The Polish TSD-drawn carriages rode from June 7-9th in the Netherlands and the Belgian Curviametre from 16-17th June. They covered a total of 900 km. The TSD-truck drove about 80 km/h in traffic and the Curviametre about 20 km / h, accompanied by a rolling roadblock.
Rijkswaterstaat is looking to measure the bearing capacity of the road as part of a research programme to gather updated information on the status of the underlying layers of the highways. With that information, Rijkswaterstaat can better provide major maintenance and planning. For more information, contact Frank Bouman at

Comments: FEHRL member Rijkswaterstaat carried out tests with IBDiM and BRRC trucks |