

Register today to the second USE-iT and FOX stakeholder workshop

Workshop to be held in conjunction with fourth USE-iT and FOX Project Management Group meeting

Click here to register for the second USE-iT and FOX workshop on technology demand and transfer in cross-modal transport infrastructure to be held on 15th September 2016 in Brussels to obtain stakeholder feedback. There will be a presentation and group discussions on each topic area with the aim of agreeing the areas of research and the steps that need to be taken for implementation. See the agenda at the link below.

We look forward to welcoming your interest, support and contribution to this second workshop, which follows on from the work started at the first workshop in January 2016! We have a limited budget in case you need a support for your travel. Please contact directly for détails and any questions.

· USE-iT FOX 2nd Workshop Agenda.pdf
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Comments: Register today to the second USE-iT and FOX stakeholder workshop