TiTaM Marie-Curie Research Fellowships at CDV

As part of the TITaM (Transport Infrastructure Technologies and Management) Marie-Curie action undertaken with TRL and BASt, CDV is looking for four experienced experts in the transport infrastructure field for research fellowships. CDV, Centrum dopravního výzkumu (Transport Research Centre) is the FEHRL institute in the Czech Republic).
The tasks of the Fellows will be to implement their knowledge at CDV in the following fields:
- Bridge management system, 1 expert for 6 months.
- Full-scale laboratory testing, 1 expert for 10 months.
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), w 1 expert for 6 months.
- Pavement surface assessment and material evaluation, 1 expert for 6 months.
For more information, please visit the European Researcher's Mobility Portal