Heavyroute, SPENS, ARCHES and CERTAIN presented in Paris Exhibition
From the 14th till the 16th of November, the European projects HeavyRoute, Arches, SPENS and CERTAIN will be presented at the European City of Science Exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris, France. This event, acting as a kick-off for the Science Festival, is organised during the French Presidency of the European Union by the Ministry for Higher Education and Research.
The main objective of this exhibition is to heighten public awareness of Science and Research. Spread out through the streets of the European City, 80 "project areas" present the work of the research teams and the ensuing innovations. Scientific objects, sometimes colossal -an airplane wing, hot air balloons, a giant map of the Earth- will fascinate child ren and adults alike. Areas reproducing the researcher's living conditions -weather station, laboratory, archeological excavations- will welcome the visitor, offer meetings, workshops or animations which will enable the public to fully understand the scientific approach through first-hand experience.
The 4 projects that FEHRL will present as one, clustered participation, can be found at the Road Security Plateforme, 6c, Boulevard Periferique Nord.