

Signs survey - overcoming confusion?

EuroTest’s latest survey reveals that 61% of the drivers surveyed consider the presence of too many signs as well as misplaced signs to be the main reasons why European drivers get lost when driving in unknown environments and areas.  The survey revealed that drivers trusted the roadside signposting more than their using navigation systems when the advice given conflicted.  FEHRL's Heavyroute project on route guidance for heavy vehicles is attempting to address some of the particular challenges faced by truck drivers in this respect.

The survey by the leading national motoring organisations included 16,000 drivers. Drivers were clear in their views about the causes of confusion and distraction: billboards compete with the road signs for drivers’ attention; road signs on the European road network display too much information thus overloading drivers when they have very little time to make driving decisions.

For more information about the EuroTest survey on Road Signs visit

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