New FEHRL Associate - The Israel National Roads Company (INRC),

At the last General Assembly, FEHRL adopted its new strategy to extend participation to Institutes outside Europe. The Israel National Road Institute (INRC) has been officially accepted as the first Associate.
INRC is responsible for a region characterized by varying climates across different types of terrain. The road infrastructure spans mountainous areas, covered with snow and sleet in the winter, to dry desert areas. The INRC has allocated approximately 10 million Euros of its five-year budget to R&D. Currently, the organisation is conducting over 50 R&D projects in a variety of fields: safety, pavement infrastructure, bridge and structural infrastructure, drainage infrastructure, environment and ecology, traffic management and ITS, geometric / traffic design and additional special subjects.
INRC fields of interest include new planning and construction methodologies and materials, innovations targeted at reduced maintenance and inspection costs, technologies friendly to the environment (including acoustic noise abatement), and safety enhancements.
Eng. Alex Wiznitzer is the General Manager. Eng. Shimon Nesichi is R&D Department Director and the new FEHRL Research Coordinator for Israel.