

Eurovignette: MEPs back polluter pays principle for truck charges

The charges on heavy-goods vehicles should be based in part on the air and noise pollution they produce and the congestion they cause, according to legislation approved by the European Parliament's Transport Committee.

The European Commission's original proposal included air and noise pollution and congestion but stopped short of including CO2 emissions. Some MEPs wanted to add CO2 to the list of chargeable costs, arguing that lorries, like aeroplanes, are partly responsible for climate change, but the committee voted today to exclude CO2 emissions from the text.
The proposal to include congestion charging met opposition from some MEPs who argued that it would be too heavy a burden on the sector in this period of economic downturn and that such a charge would be discriminatory, as private cars are also responsible for congestion. The committee reached a compromise which allows Member States to apply a congestion charge on lorries on the condition that they apply a similar charge to "all other road users". Member States would also have to submit a cost/benefit analysis and an action plan setting out their measures to reduce congestion before applying the charge

In FEHRL's Heavyroute project our members are working with truck manufacturers,  mapping companies and ITS organisations to develop a system that will directly reduce the impacts and costs of heavy vehicle usage by helping hauliers use the most appropriate routes.

Heavyroute will present its final results on 9th ande 10th June in Brussels.

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