

The challenges facing Europe’s road in a changing climate

 Under the title ‘Road Owners Adapting to Climate Change’,  highway authorities and researchers meet for two days in Oslo to examine the key challenges.  The event was organised bythe Norwegian Public Road Administration (NPRA)  on 31st March and 1st April.  Following presentations from numerous countries about the problems they face and the measures being taken,  researchers from four ERA-NET ROAD sponsored projects gave an overview of their activities on the topic.

Together with Helen Riddervold, FEHRL Vice-president and NPRA,  Steve Phillips gave an overview of FEHRL’s background activities on the subject.  He introduced the subject by referencing the Strategic European Road Research Programme (SERRP)  and the FEHRL Vision 2025.  These documents took a holistic view of the challenges facing Europe’s roads – one of which is climate change.  He then showed the tools that FEHRL has developed to assist in knowledge dissemination including the FEHRLopediaFinally,  he talked about the role that FEHRL plays in Brussels, including its 2007 workshop on adapting to climate change (that provided much background for the ERA-NET ROAD activities) and the various policy initiatives being pursued by different parts of the European Commission. Register users can follow this on FEHRL’s diary
Further information on the NPRA event and all the presentations are given on the Norwegian site  (most presentations are in English).

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