Silence project seminar on transport noise reduction measures
On March 30th 2006, the EC-funded SILENCE project will host a seminar on transport noise reduction in urban areas. The event will take place at the POLIS Office in Brussels.
SILENCE is a research project funded by the European Commission to develop an integrated methodology for the improved control of surface transport noise in urban areas.
The project has existed for one year; at this first seminar the SILENCE team will present and discuss the various aspects of the project as well as early findings resulting from a year of intensive research. However, the special focus of the event will be on the potential of noise abatement measures.
Bringing together key stakeholders from the road and rail sector, local government and academia, the seminar will provide a platform for exchange of ideas in the field of transport noise reduction. This will contribute to the development of new scientific results.
In SILENCE, FEHRL leads two sub-projects on Road Surfaces and Traffic Management and contributes heavily to other thematic sub-projects. FEHRL’s contribution will be reported at March seminar.
Full details and the programme of the seminar can be found at