

Research Connection 2009: science partners link-up at year’s biggest event

Thousands of researchers, companies and successful projects gathered to see what has been achieved in the past year, and to plan and network for next year’s great science and research projects. FEHRL's booth was actively visited, and not only for the nice view on Prague or to play with the cars on our ever-popular bridge! Posters and videos presented the FP7 projects Direct-Mat, Re-road and Tyrosafe as well as the FP6 projects CERTAIN, HeavyRoute, Arches and Spens.

Secretary General Steve Phillips gave a presentation to the Press on the CERTAIN project, and Mr. Andrzej Urbanik of Poland's IBDIM talked about CERTAIN, SPENS, ARCHES and the FEHRLopedia. Mr. Jan Spousta of Czech member CDV assisted the FEHRL secretariat's Communication Officers on the booth. All pictures.


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