

Federal Highway Administration to Provide $2 Million to Spur Highway Innovations that Reduce Congestion and Improve Safety

FHWATwo million dollars in Federal funding will be available to test new technologies that can reduce congestion from construction and improve safety and quality. The FHWA will award $2 million through a third solicitation under the Highways for LIFE Program in addition to the $2,373,000 previously awarded. A solicitation for proposals will be issued in the latter part of August 2009.


The funds promote testing and evaluation of emerging technologies to move them closer to implementation. Both for-profit, private companies and industries, and non-profit domestic and international organizations can apply.

FHWA encourages partnership with State and local governments and academic institutions.
For more information on previous awardees, see:
To sign up to receive an e-mail notification when the 2009 solicitation is published, go to:


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