

Bojan Leben elected as new FEC Chairman and two new FEC members appointed

The 21st FEHRL General Assembly, which took place in Budabest, Hungary, on October 8th and 9th 2009, has elected Bojan Leben (ZAG) as the new FEC Chairman.  Mr. Leban will be taking over for Mr. Govert Sweere who served as FEC Chairman since 2006. Martin Pipa (CDV) and Sandra Erkens (DVS) have also be elected to join the Executive Committee. All of the newly elected members will serve on the FEC for a three-year term.

Mr. Bojan Leben (ZAG)

Mr. Bojan Leben (ZAG) and Mr. Govert Sweere (RWS DVS) 


Mr. Leben is an expert in pavement engineering - Pavement and Asset Management Systems with an emphasis in pavement condition monitoring. He previously served as the FEC Supervisor for  Environment, Energy, and Resources and he was also the vice-chairman of the TRA-2008 Organising committee. He has been involved in a number of EC Framework projects and COST actions, and was representing Slovene Road Directorate in the ERA-NET ROAD project. 



Sandra Erkens (DVS) and Martin Pipa (CDV)





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