

European Court of Auditors critique of FP6 NoEs and Integrated Projects

European Court of AuditorsThe ECA reviewed the so-called New Instruments introduced in FP6 and concluded their objectives were only partially achieved. ‘Networks of Excellence’ did not often achieve a progressive and self-sustainable integration of the research activities between the network partners. ‘Integrated projects’ failed to attract more resources from individual participants and additional sources of public and private financing.

The report also revealed that compared to the previous Framework Programme (covering the period 1998 to 2002), FP6 did not succeed in generating a significant increase in terms of participants’ RTD investment. The participation of the private sector even diminished in relative terms. The target of 15 % of the total budget of FP6 thematic priorities for SME participation was not achieved.

ECA summary and Full report

The European Court of Auditors is the EU Institution established by the Treaty to carry out the audit of EU finances. As the EU's external auditor it contributes to improving EU financial management and acts as the independent guardian of the financial interests of the citizens of the Union.

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