

Mobile Laboratory for the Non-destructive Pavement Characteristics Quantification

IBDiMIBDiM will soon start working on an infrastructure project that will be carried out under the Operational Program, Innovative Economy, Activity 2.1 "Development of centers of high research potential". The aim of the Project is to create a unique pavement testing mobile lab, at an international level. The laboratory aims for research works at the European level and as well for the growth of the Polish economy.

The scientific purpose of this Project is the optimalisation of the Road infrastructure quantification process through the preparation and implementation of the modern evaluation system for pavements and civil engineering structures. The system will be based on integrated parameters analysis gathered from NDT.

An additional aim is to create a Center of Scientific Development in the area of Non-destructive Testing Research for the evaluation of road infrastructure. The purpose of this center is to share knowledge on high-tech, non-destructive devices and methods that are used or would be used in evaluation of road infrastructure. The Centre will offer the possibility of training and development for the scientists from different research institutions in the frame of highly specialized non-destructive measurement’ techniques.

We would like to thank all who helped us to prepare this successful proposal. Our special thanks go to the FEHRL Office for their supporting letter confirming the importance of the project for increasing activity of IBDiM in future collaboration within international research projects. The application was also supported by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Rhode Island, National Chamber of Commerce Road, a few Polish entities, and technical universities.

The project duration is 15 months and it will be financed in 85% by European Regional Development Fund. Further information will soon be available on the project’s website, which will be created at the beginning of 2010.




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