

Establishing a new structure for transport research

Formal presentation of the Lyon declaration to Commissioner for Research Janez Potocnik (left to right, Evangelos Bekiaris (CERTH/FERSI), Guy Bourgeois (ECTRI), Wolfgang Steinicke (EURNEX), Claude Van Rooten (FEHRL) and Janez Potocnik Together with its partner organisations in the Lyon Declaration, FEHRL has recently submitted its first report developed by a Joint Task Force on recommendations for the future of transport research.  This builds on the 2008 Lyon Declaration, where the signatories i.e ECTRI, FERSI, FEHRL, EURNEX, HUMANIST, ISN and NEARCTIS committed themselves to work together on the deepening the European Research Area objectives in transport in order to address the Grand Challenges. 

Building on their roles in the relevant ETPs and links with ERA-NET Transport and ERA-NET ROAD, the Lyon Declaration partners have promoted the strengthening of research governance towards the joining of forces between the existing Transport ETPs in an activity cluster(s) according to the basic principles established for the so called European Technology and Innovation Platforms (ETIPs).  The Partners established the basic concept as the so-called METAFORON which brings together relevant stakeholders within a larger architecture based on the principles of a European Large Scale Action (ELSA).  The overall architecture was called the MERITE (Main European Research Initiative in Transport) which when achieved would be a concrete realisation of many of the main elements of a Transport ERA.

Moreover the partners have committed themselves to the further concretising their cooperation with the establishment of an informal European Transport Research Alliance.


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