

CALL: Effective asset management meeting future challenges

DRIThe Danish Road Directorate (DRD) has announced the launch of a call for proposals opening today, 29 January 2010. The jointly funded programme of research on road infrastructure asset management is supported by thirteen European Road Directorates. “Effective asset management meeting future challenges” is a cross-border funded, trans-national joint research programme that was initiated by ERA-NET ROAD II (ENR2). The overall aim of the joint research programme is to improve the management of the European road network.

The research will focus on the development of efficient management tools in a holistic approach covering all components of the road network (pavement, bridges, tunnels, gantries, signs, lighting systems, etc) and encompassing the whole service life “from cradle to grave” in order to maximise the potential benefits of these important national assets.

The Programme Leader (DRD) is in charge of executing the call for proposals, awarding the contracts according to the PEB decision and managing the Programme. They are also responsible for the commencement and execution of the research programme and day-to-day programme management.

The Call for Proposals is now open! Please download the Call Announcement or visit for further information. Deadline for submissions is 12 March 2010, 13:00 CET.


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