

FeRRM-Reserve the date of 18-20th October 2011 for the Road Research meeting

Today FEHRL is making the first announcement for the Road Research meeting to be held on 18-20th October 2011 in Brussels. The meeting is aimed at stakeholders looking for solutions and willing to implement the latest cost-efficient research, as well as scientists, entrepreneurs and engineers with new ideas to promote and researchers to share and disseminate findings.

The event will show the value of road research, what it has achieved and the benefit for society and the environment. It will include sessions on resource efficiency, road research infrastructures, knowledge transfer, climate change adaptation, recycling, implementation, knowledge transfer and the Forever Open Road Programme.

The programme for 18th October will include the final conference of the DIRECT-MAT (Dismantling & Recycling techniques for road Materials) project and a DETRA workshop on international cooperation, as well as a get together cocktail as of 17.30.

Sessions will be held on 19th October covering resource efficiency, road research infrastructures, climate change adaptation, recycling, implementation, knowledge transfer and the Forever Open Road Programme.

And finally on 20th October there will be a Research Coodinators meeting and FEHRL project meetings.

Registrations will open in May. Click here for information or contact Isabelle Lucchini at    


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