Prof. Dariusz Sybilski strengthens Executive Committee
At our recent General Assembly in Ljubljana, Professor Dariusz Sybilski was elected to the FEHRL Executive Committee (FEC). Prof Sybilski is the Deputy Director of IBDiM, the Polish Road and Bridge Research Institute. As well as adding his managerial experience to the strength of the FEC, he has considerable technical expertise in Pavement Technology. He will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in building FEHRL’s portfolio of activities with the public and industry sectors.
With the FEC, he will focus on implementing SERRP IV, the fourth Strategic European Road Research Programme by strengthening cooperation between the national road institutes in developing ways of delivering better, safer, cleaner roads. In partnership with national road administrations and other public bodies, industry, academia and the European Commission, solutions for the key challenges of the road sector will be developed. As the author or co-author of numerous of research studies and expertise reports as well as more than 100 scientific and technical publications and several patents, Prof Sybilski will be able to work closely with our variety of partners.