

Joint TRB – FEHRL workshop on Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

The International Symposium on Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) for Design Evaluation and Construction Inspection took place at the TRB (Transport Research Board) Conference on January 18th, 2008 in Washington DC. The research whose objective is to indentify unmet non-destructive testing (NDT) is conducted in SHRP 2 (Strategic Highway Research Program) Project R06.

Presentations (available only for FEHRL's members) of the workshop made by FEHRL and TTI (Texas Transportation Institute).

The overall objective of SHRP 2 NDT is to develop a process to identify existing or to develop new and quickly implementable technologies for rapid, nondestructive testing of in situ conditions for purposes of design, construction inspection, and performance monitoring. These technologies would limit or reduce traffic disruption on existing facilities during preliminary engineering investigations, and provide more rapid and reliable information on as-built conditions. Moreover, rapid inspection of new construction would facilitate timely re-opening of roadways and structures during reconstruction.

For additional NDT research $4.65 is available under the SHRP 2 Highway Research Renewal Program. SHRP 2 anticipates the announcement of request for proposals (RFPs) in July 2008.

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