

Strengthening cooperation with India, South Africa, China and Brazil

The first steering meeting of the SIMBA project was held in Brussels on June 6th.  SIMBA is an initiative supported by the EC to promote research cooperation between the EU and targeted developing nations.  During the first meeting,  a number of opportunities were investigated for common research topics.  From the FEHRL team, Akram Ahmedi (TRL) will be leading activities with India and South Africa. Dr Marianne Grauers (VTI) who recently attended a successful workshop in Shanghai will be responsible for developing activities with China.

Particularly encouraging links were strengthened with a long-term partner of FEHRL institutes, CSIR in South Africa.  The team agreed to investigate opportunities in the area of heavy vehicles and vehicle/road interaction with an emphasis on the Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme.    Registration for a workshop in South Africa on all road transport cooperation is now open on the SIMBA website (
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