New member of FEHRL from Ukraine
Shulgin State Road Research Institute (Derzhdor NDI) from Ukraine was elected to the membership of FEHRL at the General Assembly held in Oslo, Norway on the 11th and 12th of October 2007. Derzhdor NDI is the 30th member institute of FEHRL.
The Institute is a leading science and research organisation of Ukraine in the field of road and transport structures construction that provides scientific and technical activity in construction and building materials industries, architecture and city-planning. The institute was found in 1926 and since then has taken a firm position in creating and developing the road net of Ukraine. The institute's research activity includes:
- new types of pavement designs, advanced methods of durability analysis,
- repair and maintenance of highways, bridges and road structures,
- traffic safety, environmental sefeguarding, energy-saving,
- innovative design of highways and streets, bridges, pedestrian subways and overhead crossings.
Moreover, the Institute provides the road-construction sector with regulation and directive documents on the state and regional levels.