

Two new CEDR reports now published

Reports entitled "Traffic Management to reduce congestion" and "Forgiving Roadside Design Guide"

The Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) is pleased to announce the release of two reports entitled the “Traffic Management to reduce congestion” and the “Forgiving Roadside Design Guide”.

  1. Traffic Management to reduce congestion

The Traffic Management to reduce congestion report details the guidance developed by CEDR’s 2009-2013 Task Group Traffic Management to reduce congestion.  The Group’s report details the recommendations to Road Authorities in examining and implementing traffic management strategies.  It includes a state of the art report from numerous countries.

The English report is available for free to download from the CEDR website at

The French version of the report is available for free to download from the CEDR website at


  1. Forgiving Roadside Design Guide

The Forgiving Roadside Design Guide is a harmonised collection of the best practise treatments to make roadsides forgiving.  CEDR’s Task Group on Road Safety are recommending this guide to all practitioners.  As a complement to the Guide, an annex details an overview of the state of the art in the field and detailed description of the studies conducted. 

The English report is available for free to download from the CEDR website at

The French version of the report is available for free to download from the CEDR website at

For more information, contact Steve Phillips at

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