

FEHRL highlights from TRA2014

FEHRL and FEHRL members active with key programmes and projects, stand and cocktail.


FEHRL and FEHRL members were very active recently at TRA2014 (in Paris from 14-17th April) through our participation in key sessions either directly or through our key programmes and projects, our dedicated stand and our cocktail organised for our key stakeholders.  Read more about this below and see the photos here.

FEHRL hosted a Forever Open Road (FOR) Invited Session (IS) on Thursday 17th April, attended by 50 stakeholders, to discuss how FOR responds to the challenges faced by the European transport system. It included the participation of Thierry Goger (FEHRL), Bob Collis (TRL), Joris Al (Rijkswaterstaat), Stefan Höller (BASt), Mohammed Hoseini (NPRA), Nicolas Hautière (IFSTTAR) and Stefan Deix (CLEPA).  The session attracted much useful input and relevant questions, which will now be developed by the FOR Executive Group (FOREX) in the near future.

FEHRL's activities and plans were displayed at our exhibition booth B1, which was part of the CEDR village at TRA2014 and sponsored by our members AIT, BRRC, TNO and VTI. FEHRL also manned the booth for the  new ERA-NET Plus Infravation 2014 Call adjacent to our stand.

On Wednesday lunchtime, FEHRL held a cocktail to give its key stakeholders the chance to meet our new President, Stefan Strick of BASt and new Secretary General, Thierry Goger. 

Thierry Goger and Deputy Secretary General Adewole Adesiyun, meanwhile, along with several other key FEHRL members, contributed to several of the different types of sessions.

FEHRL member IFSTTAR was of course behind the organisation of this excellent fifth edition of TRA, and we wish good luck to IBDiM, who will play a key role in the two years time at TRA2016 in Warsaw, Poland. And both IFSTTAR and BASt featured as part of their Ministry stands at the TRA2014 exhibition.

Finally, FEHRL  was in partnership with the  5th International Conference on Women's Issues in Transportation (WIIT) hosted by IFSTTAR in conjunction with TRA2014.   

Stefan Strick and Thierry Goger at FEHRL welcome cocktail 

 FEHRL booth

Infravation booth


FEHRL co-organised ETRA session  

The European Transport Research Alliance (ETRA) organised IS 43 entitled "Education and training issues for the transport researchers of the future ERA" on Thursday 17th April . This session included:

Education and training activities; 

Gaps in transport education;

The need for transport research related courses;

Issues of benchmarking for transport courses;

Best practice examples.


FEHRL-related projects

The TRIMM project featured on Monday 14th April at the Scientific and Technical Session (STS) 4: Auscultation and monitoring asset conditions in Darwin 3. The poster is called "Implementation of advanced monitoring techniques in road asset management - results from TRIMM project".  

MIRAVEC was one of the Outreach Market Place posters on Monday 14th March that could be viewed the whole day on level C - Pierre Curie Hall.

A presentation on the SAVeRS project entitled "Development of a guideline for the selection of vehicle restraint systems - identification of the key selection parameters" was given  on Tuesday 15th April in STS 36: Infrastructure and Road Safety. 

POTHOLE, meanwhile, featured on Wednesday 16th April as part of STS 42: Pavement Performance and Durability in Ampere 5+6. The presentation was entitled "Durable pothole repairs". 

The INROADS and BRIDGEMON projects were two of the Outreach Market Place posters that could be viewed on Level C - Pierre Curie Hall on Wednesday 16th April.

The ASAP project featured on Wednesday 16th April at the STS 51: Factor of Accidents in Ampere 7+8. The poster was called "Speed Management in Work Zones" 

The SMARTRAIL project featured along with MAINLINE as part of the IS 28: Asset Management and Monitoring for ageing rail infrastructure in Darwin 5 on Wednesday 16th April. The session was chaired and moderated by Kenneth Gavin, UCD, Ireland.

The SOLUTIONS project featured on Thursday 17th April at  IS 35 entitled "Transport Innovation  Transferability Workshop: Best Practice Examples from TIDE and SOLUTIONS" in Dickens 1+2.


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