

Changes to FEHRL Research Area Leaders and Research Coordinators

Two new Research Area Leaders and three new Research Coordinators

The following changes to FEHRL Research Area Leaders (RALs) and Research Coordinators (RCs) have been agreed at the FEHRL Research Coordinator meeting in from 6-7th May 2014:


Following the resignation of Alan O’Connor (TCD) and Asa Aretun (VTI) as RALs for Design & Production (DP) and Mobility, Transport and Infrastructure (MTI), respectively, Kenneth Gavin (UCD) was nominated as RAL for DP and Andreas Tapani (VTI) as RAL for MTI.


In addition, Eugene O’ Brien (UCD) resigned as RC for Ireland and he was replaced by Alan O’Connor (TCD) as RC and Kenneth Gavin (UCD) as deputy RC.

Andreas Tapani (VTI) was also nominated as new deputy RC for Sweden and Onur Engin Tokgöz as new RC for KGM/Turkey.

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