

Study on tomorrow's road infrastructure for automated driving

AIT and Loughborough University carrying out study on tomorrow's road infrastructure for automated driving

Self-driving cars are one of the most prominent technologies these days. In an effort to find the interplay with tomorrow’s road infrastructure, I am conducting a research study in the scope of my PhD thesis at Loughborough University (Loughborough Design School). Your input can help me to define infrastructure requirements and design features that will pave the way for safe and efficient automated driving. It will take you approximately 7 minutes to complete the survey.

Simply click on the link below, or cut and paste the entire URL into your browser to access the survey:

We would appreciate your response by 13 June 2014.
Your input is very important and will be kept strictly confidential (used only for the purposes of research for this project).

If you have any questions or would prefer to complete a paper survey please email me at

Many thanks for your participation!

Philippe Nitsche, MSc.



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