

Deadline for submission of abstracts and tutors of Young Researchers Seminar 2015

10th October 2014 is deadline for submission of abstracts and tutors of Young Researchers Seminar in Rome on 17-19th June 2015

Click here or on the link at the bottom of the page to get information about the deadline for the submission of abstracts and tutors of Young Researchers Seminar in Rome on 17-19th June 2015.

The common vision for the Young Researchers Seminar is the preparation of a new generation of transport scientists and science based professionals in the area of transport. It aims to enable the networking of young transport researchers belonging to the Supporting Organisation members from ECTRI, FEHRL, FERSI and TRB as well as to train young researchers, by tutorial means through a retroactive manner, to elaborate, prepare papers and present oral scientific communications. Therefore, this conference is not only aimed at scientific excellence, but also at presentation skills and the ability to put science into practice.

The seminar will be held on 17-19th June 2015 at Centro di ricerca per il Trasporto e la Logistica (CTL) of “Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy. The indicative research domains to be covered during this seminar are:
  • Transport economics, policy and transport behaviour
  • Transport sustainability and environment
  • Transport safety
  • Intelligent transport systems - ITS & Traffic
  • Transport civil and road engineering

Besides the scientific activities, where tutors shall moderate the content sessions organised under the supervision of the Steering Committee and retroact to the presentation, there will be networking activities such as technical visits, conference dinner and preferably all participants will be staying at the same hotel.

The format of the seminar will be:
  • Content oriented through technical sessions with oral presentations of 20 minutes and 10 minutes Q/A
  • Cross cutting oriented sessions of two types:
    o small key note session on specific subjects
    o scientific methods on tools and research process sessions.

Based on the final papers and oral presentations, the three best papers and presentations will be selected for awards by the Steering Committee based on the tutor recommendations and announced at the closing session of the Seminar.

The young researchers are invited to participate by their own institutes. They are preferably post-doc (less than 5 years after PhD), involved in one of the five research domains. The abstracts and best papers will be selected by the Steering Committee on the basis of the scientific quality. Attention will also be put on ensuring a balanced representation among the institutes based on the following criteria:

  • Maximum 1 participant per research domain for institutes with more than 300 staff
  • Maximum 3 participants in total for institutes with less than 300 staff
  • And 1 US young researcher per domain

The tutors are senior researchers from the Supporting Organizations but also from USA (international cooperation through ECTRI-TRB Memorandum of Understanding). The young researcher fee of €280 covers:

  • the attendance to the conference
  • the pre-proceedings of the conference (technical content)
  • the coffee breaks and lunches for the three days
  • the conference official dinner

The fee does not cover travel and accommodation expenses of young researchers, which are to be covered by their institutes. Tutors are exempted from paying the conference fee. Their hotel costs are covered by the Seminar budget, only travel expenses are at their Institute cost. Download this information from the attachment below and more information on the seminar can be found at

· Moreabout-YRS15.pdf
· Call-abstracts-tutors-Announcement.pdf
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