

ROADAPT project organising training on 20-21st October 2014

Course at Deltares to cover climate change risk assessments and adaptation for roads

The leaflet attached below provides information on a Course being organised by the ROADAPT project. This project is part of the CEDR Transnational Road Research Programme on Climate Change (funded by the national road administrations of the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and Norway). The ROADAPT consortium consists of the following partners: Deltares (the Netherlands, coordinator), SGI (Sweden), Egis (France) and KNMI (the Netherlands).

The course will be held in Delft on 20-21 October 2014. Further information on the ROADAPT project and the Course can be obtained from Thomas Bles (ROADAPT coordinator, +31 (0)88 335 7531 or

· ROADAPT course October 20-21.pdf
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