Call for Papers now open for 6th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress
Congress organised by EAPA, EUROBITUME and GUARANT International to be held in Prague on 1-3rd June 2016.
Click on to get information about the 6th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume (E&E) ss to be held in Prague on 1-3rd June 2016. Orgnised by EAPA, EUROBITUME and GUARANT International, the congress has now opened its call for papers wtih the deadline for submitting abstracts on 30th November 2014.
The three main objectives of the E&E Congress 2016 are to:
- Povide a platform for our industry and stakeholders to demonstrate and learn from the innovation and investments that have been made in developing our products, technologies and decision- making processes over recent years
- Ofer a unique opportunity for all stakeholders to engage, exchange ideas and network in a way that will encourage positive action in the future
- Simulate discussions and debates that will help to steer a common approach to challenges
To achieve all of these objectives a comprehensive programme has been created which identifies the key issues associated with asphalt pavement solutions to provide the confidence that all types of decision-makers need when investing in our existing and future road networks.
Comments: Call for Papers now open for 6th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress |