

CEDR Transnational Road Research Programme: Call 2014

CEDR 2014 Call focuses on Asset Management & Maintenance and Mobility & ITS

This is the seventh transnationally funded research programme carried out under the CEDR Transnational Road Research Programme, initiated via the ERA-NET ROAD project. The Call for Proposals is launched on 17 December 2014 with a deadline for submissions of 18 March 2015.
The participating road administrations in the Call 2014 are Austria, Belgium (Flanders), Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and UK. These road administrations have committed all the funding for the research and also provide individual experts to provide technical management for the projects.
The Call is being managed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) in Austria: this will include organising the Call for Proposals, programme co-ordination, financial governance and general project management.
The Call for Proposals involves two separate research programmes covering the following topics:
1: Asset Management and Maintenance
I: Road Asset Management
A)         Road equipment asset management
B)         Why and how to implement ISO 55000
C)         Social benefits and costs
II: Road Maintenance
D)         Use of standard ravelling tests to predict pavement durability
E)         Recommendations for maintenance procurement by investigating current practices
2: Mobility and ITS
A)         Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
B)         The journey to High and Full automation 
C)         The business case for connected and co-operative vehicles
Full details of each of these programmes are provided in the respective Descriptions of Research Needs (DoRNs). Applicants should ensure that proposals are clearly linked to at least one of the objectives defined in the respective DoRN and should clearly state the transnational benefit of the project outcomes.
Find the website for the CEDR Call 2014 here:
Find the documets for the CEDR Call 2014 here:

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