

Call for abstracts for conference on highway quality of service and freeway operations

March 31st 2015 is deadline for call for abstracts for conference sponsored by FEHRL member BASt

A call for abstracts has just been launched for the International Symposium on Enhancing Highway Performance (ISEHP) on June 14-16th 2016 in  Berlin, Germany, This international conference on highway quality of service and freeway operations is sponsored by FEHRL member BASt, along with FGSV, TRB and the German Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure.

Click on or on the brochure attached below to get more information about this event. Abstracts must be in English and should contain about 300-500 words. Abstracts are due by March 31st 2015 and must be submitted to

· letter_ISEHP2016_FIN_2015-02-09.pdf
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