

Electromobility+ Conference to be held in Berlin on 20th May 2015

Electromobility+ Conference marks end of five-year first phase with 18 projects.

Within the framework of Electromobility+ ,ministries and funding agencies of 11 European countries and regions have jointly funded transnational research projects. The countries/regions involved are: France, Germany, The Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Flanders (Belgium), Piedmont (Italy). The Electromobility+ call was launched in December 2010 and pools some 20 million EUR from the participating countries and regions as well as from the European Commission within the ERA-Net Plus scheme.

After five years this first phase of Electromobility+ and the related 18 projects will come to an end. This will be celebrated at the Electromobility+ Conference on 20 May 2015, which will take place at the heart of Germany’s capital Berlin, at the premises of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. The German Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy have the privilege to chair the Electromobility+ Governance Board in 2015 and to host this event. The conference aims at ·

  • providing an overview of achieved results of 18 trans-national research projects,
  • discussing the implementation and uptake of these results and electric mobility in general, 
  • exploring how a follow-up joint transnational funding initiative on electromobility could support implementation and uptake,
  • providing a networking event in order to stimulate further collaborations and actions.

Conference and reception will provide an excellent opportunity to exchange information with electromobility specialists from different European countries and the European Commission. Furthermore, you may wish to visit (self-organized) the Trade Fair “Metropolitan Solutions” including the "Electromobility - Globally Connected" conference on 21st May 2015 in Berlin. For more information, see

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