

First announcement for the third ERPUG Forum on 15-16th October 2015

Get the latest in road profiling and road surface characteristics at ERPUG 2015 in Budapest, Hungary!

Visit the ERPUG 2015 conference to meet friends, discuss and listen to experts, users and manufacturers.

European Road Profile User's Group are proud to invite you to the ERPUG 2015 forum, October 15-16, 2015, in Budapest, Hungary.The place will be in central Budapest at the Technical University. Registration will soon open, see news on

NOTE: If there are enough interest a ProVal (software to calculate evenness indices) course will be arranged the 14 October.

Call for presentations
If you are interested in making a presentation please let us know. Any subject related to the ERPUG topics are welcomed.
Send a mail to: before 29th May 2015.

Sponsors and exhibitors
Sponsors and exhibitors are welcomed. If you become a sponsor at a certain level you are entitled to a presentation slot.
Send a mail to:

ERPUG encourages you to share the latest and hottest topics within:

  • Pavement profile measurement, pavement profile analysis, pavement profile quality assurance (QA)
  • Pavement surface texture (measurement, analysis, QA) including tyre/road noise, rolling resistance and ride effects on fuel consumption and wear and tear on vehicles
  • Automated pavement condition survey
  • Data usage at road, project and network levels
  • Innovative maintenance contract and performance control

The conference is organised by initiative from the Swedish Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) and Ramboll RST and has the support of the FEHRL.



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Comments: First announcement for the third ERPUG Forum on 15-16th October 2015