

Flyer now produced for USE-iT and FOX projects

Outline information on new Horizon 2020 projects available covering synergies between them.

Click here or on the link below to take a look at the new flyer just produced for the new Horizon 2020 USE-iT (Users, Safety, security and Energy In Transport infrastructure) and FOX (Forever Open Infrastructure across (X) all transport modes) projects which started on 1st May 2015. The flyer outlines the role of the projects in relation to FEHRL's FORx4 programme, as well as the synergies between them and linked project REFINET.

A website on the projects is also being developed at and information was recently published on the two projects in the sixth issue of the FEHRL Infrastructure Research Magazine (also available from the link below).

As outlined in the FEHRL second newsletter 2015, FEHRL kicked USE-iT and FOX at a joint meeting on 7-8th May 2015 for some 25 researchers. The meeting looked at each of the Work Packages, as well as the synergies between these and other projects in terms of building a network of researchers and practitioners from the different transport modes and setting the agenda for the further improvement of cross-modal research development innovation, as well as the demonstration and implementation of the results. Click here to access the FOX presentations and here for USE-iT.   


· Use-it_Fox_folder_final.pdf
· FEHRL_FIRM 6_july 2015_p 16.pdf
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