ECOROADS project workshop on Roads & Tunnels Safety Management
ECOROADS project workshop on Roads & Tunnels Safety Management to be held on 30th September 2015 in Brussels
We would like to invite you to participate in the ECOROADS Workshop on Roads &Tunnels Safety Management (a comprehensive approach Limits, opportunities and steps beyond) on 30th September 2015 in Brussels (see programme attached below).
ECOROADS (Effective and Coordinated Road Infrastructure Safety Operations), is a H2020 project that aims to overcome the barrier established by a formal interpretation of the two Directives 2008/96/EC (on road infrastructure safety management) and 2004/54/EC (on tunnels), that in practice do not foresee the same Road Safety Audits/Inspections (RSA/RSI) to be performed on open roads and in tunnels. To overcome this barrier, the project will establish a common enhanced approach by applying the concepts (RSA/RSI) of the Directive 2008/96/CE to tunnels and in transition areas between tunnels and open roads, without jeopardising (but rather complementing) the usual tunnel safety management operations.
The overall approach of the ECOROADS Action is divided into several phases. They include:
- Overview of the application of Directives (2008/96/EC on road infrastructure safety management and 2004/54/EC on tunnels), in the Member States and the extent of the differences between them.
- Series of workshops with stakeholders (European tunnel and road managers).
- Exchange of best practices and experiences between European tunnel experts and road safety professionals.
- Joint safety operations on some European road sections with both open roads and tunnels, conducted by an international team composed of road and tunnel safety experts. The operations will be conducted in five different European locations selected from a list of possible locations. Tunnel operations will be conducted by tunnel experts accompanied by road safety experts (as observers) and vice-versa. This way, an actual cross-fertilisation between the two groups of experts will lead to an enhanced approach to the road infrastructure safety management.
- Recommendations and guidelines for the application of Road Safety Audits and Road Safety Inspections concepts within the tunnel safety operations.
The aim of this workshop is as follows:
Analysis and review of national practises regarding the application of the two Directives.
Details of the exchange of best practices between tunnel experts and road safety professionals
Finalisation of the process of joint safety operations (final selection of 5 test locations across Europe and input for the definition of the procedures and priorities for the joint visits).
Compulsory registration at: For any quesstions, contact
· ECOROADS_WP3.1_Programme1stWorkshop_31072015_V1.0.pdf
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