Get all the information from CEDR Climate Change projects final conference
Presentations now available for CliPDaR and ROADAPT final conference held on 27-28th October 2015
The materials are now available for the final conference of CliPDaR and ROADAPT, the two Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) projects from the CEDR Call 2012 on "Road owners adapting to Climate Change" held in Brussels on 27-28th October 2015. You can download all the presentations and relevant reports from For more information, contact
CEDR Call 2012 "Road owners adapting to Climate Change"
This programme, launched in May 2012, was the fifth transnationally funded research programme organised by CEDR. The funding road administrations are Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and Norway. The Call is being managed on behalf of CEDR by the National Roads Authority in Ireland: which includes organising the Call for Proposals, programme co-ordination, financial governance and general project management.
About CliPDaR
The road sector is very vulnerable to extreme weather phenomena which can produce some of the most significant economic and safety consequences. For this reason it is essential to know as early as possible to what extent global change of climate might impact on the national and European road network. With the help of climate projections specific impact models can be applied to estimate the relevant parameters for road maintenance. However, the reliability of given climate projections need to be assessed using ensemble approaches and downscaling methods. Much scientific work has been done to evaluate these approaches with regard to reliability and usefulness for investigations on possible impacts of climate changes.
Within this project, existing approaches and methodologies have been collated to identify a common approach on future applications by road owners. The project focuses on the review, analysis and assessment of existing regional Climate Change projections regarding transnational highway networks (TEN-T) needs with particular emphasis given to the results from a number of previous and ongoing projects. The main objective of the research is to provide recommendations for application by European road agencies.
Coordinator: Tobias Fuchs, German National Meteorological Service, (DWD), Germany
Infrastructure is the backbone of our society. Citizens, companies and governments have come to rely on and expect uninterrupted availability of the road network. It is now recognised that changing climate will have significant effects on the road infrastructure and this requires timely adaptation. However, there are great uncertainties involved in both the projections of future climate change and related socio-economic developments and estimating the consequences of these changes in transportation needs. In the meantime, there is a constant need for decisions and development of the road transport system. The prioritisation of measures in order to maximise availability with reasonable costs is one of the most important tasks of the road owners.
The ROADAPT project has provided a number of methodologies and tools enabling a rational, integrated approach to Climate Change adaptation based on tailored and consistent climate information. This includes guidelines for:
1. The use of climate data for the current and future climate
2. The application of a QuickScan on climate change risks for roads
3. Detailed vulnerability assessment
4. Socio-economic impact assessment
5. Selection of an adaptation strategy
Coordinator: Thomas Bles, Deltares, Netherlands
· V4-Pre-invitationClipdar Roadapt conf.pdf
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