New FEHRL Research Coordinator for IFSTTAR
Paulina Potemski replaced Sylvie Proeschel as Research Coordinator for IFSTTAR
Paulina Potemski has taken over the position of FEHRL Research Coordinator for IFSTTAR from Sylvie Proeschel in May 2015 as Sylvie has recently retired. Paulina Potemski has worked for IFSTTAR since 2011 as project manager of the TRA2014 Conference in Paris. Since 2014 she is in charge of European networks coordination. From 2009 to 2011, she served at the French Ministry of Sustainable Development where she was in charge of International Transport Affairs (bilateral and multilateral cooperation). Before that she worked at the French Embassy in Warsaw, Poland where she developed bilateral cooperation on transport and environmental issues. At the European level, she is also Editor Assistant of ETRR (European Transport Research Review) and EURNEX (European Rail Research Network of Excellence) internal auditor.
We welcome Paulina and thank Sylvie for her commitment to FEHRL as Research Coordinator and Vice-Chair of Research Area Leaders.
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