Be part of new European vision towards integrated cross-modal transport infrastructure!
Join the REFINET Community today by just sending in your details!
The European Commission has launched, within the Horizon 2020 (H2020) Programme, several initiatives to reflect on the necessary development of cross-modal transport infrastructure. A set of three European H2020 Coordination and Support Actions, namely the REFINET, FOX and USE-iT projects, have been granted to support this work. Several partners from all transport modes and with various profiles (for example, Research Providers, Industry, Transport Authority…) are actively involved in this endeavour.
Several activities such as desk studies, surveys and workshops have been scheduled in the coming two years to collect information and reflect together so that a tangible European vision for cross-modal transport infrastructure with specific technology characteristics can be built in two years’ time.
To consolidate this work, we would like to consult your expertise. We would also like to give you the opportunity to contribute to the development of this European Commission-sponsored initiative.
In this respect, we would like to invite you to sign up to be part of the Community for Cross-Modal Transport Infrastructure. This community aims to form a long-lasting group of stakeholders who have stakes or interest in cross-modal transport infrastructure issues. As a member of this network, you will foster your cooperation with relevant stakeholders in Europe and globally, and be able to contribute to the output of these three above-mentioned European Commission projects, as well as follow up on their outcome beyond their lifetime. The open database, accessible by every member of the Community, will be hosted by ECTP and be entitled the “REFINET Community”. To comply with data protection, should you be interested to join this REFINET Community, please give us your consent to gather your basic contact details (last name, first name, company name, e-mail address) by sending an email to
On behalf of the three REFINET, FOX and USE-iT Consortia, we look forward to welcoming your interest, support and contribution to this new endeavour! We would appreciate collecting by 20/12/2015 your agreement to collect the basic data mentioned just above, hence your interest to join the REFINET Community.
Further information about FOX and USE-iT can be found at
Further information about REFINET can be found at

Comments: Be part of new European vision towards integrated cross-modal transport infrastructure! |