LCE4ROADS: Monday 11th January, 08:00-09:45 - Presentation at Sustainable Pavement Committee entitled “
LCE4ROADS, new sustainability certification system for roads from the LCE4ROADS FP7 project. Main outcomes from the collaboration with NSPC” - Marriott Marquis, George Washington University (M1) (click
here to see the agenda).
LCE4ROADS: Tuesday 12th January, 15:45-17:30 - "Leveraging Knowledge through Twinning of Research Projects: Three Twinned Projects from European Commission Horizon 2020 and FHWA "- Convention Center - 151B
ECOROADS: Tuesday 12th January, 19:30-22:00 - Presentation at the International Research Activities Subcommittee AFB20 Roadside Design Safety - Marriott Marquis, Marquis Ballroom Salon 5 (M2) (click
here to see the agenda).
USE-iT, FOX and REFINET: Wednesday 13th January, 13:00-15:45 - Vision for Cross Modal Transport Infrastructure - Convention Center- Room 303 (click
here to see the agenda).
ECOROADS: Wednesday 13th January, 16:30-17:45 -
How to establish a common enhanced approach to road infrastructure and tunnel safety management by using the concepts and criteria of the Directive 2008/96/CE on road infrastructure safety management and the results of related European Commission (EC) funded projects - Convention Center- Room 303 (click
here to see the agenda).