Register now for workshop jointly organised by USE-iT, FOX and REFINET projects

Register here for workshop about Technology demand and transfer in cross-modal transport infrastructures
The European Commission has launched, within the Horizon 2020 (H2020) Programme, several initiatives to reflect on the necessary development of cross-modal transport infrastructure. A set of three European H2020 Coordination and Support Actions, namely the REFINET, FOX and USE-iT projects, have been granted to support this work. Several partners from all transport modes and with various profiles (for example, Research Providers, Industry, Transport Authority…) are actively involved in this endeavour. Several activities such as desk studies, surveys and workshops have been scheduled over the coming two years to collect information and reflect together so that a tangible European vision for cross-modal transport infrastructure with specific technology characteristics can be built in two years’ time.
The aim of this workshop is to present preliminary results arising from the USE-iT and FOX projects of the most appropriate technologies and approaches that have the potential of being applied on a cross-modal basis or on at least two transport modes. The topic areas investigated are user information, safety & security, energy & carbon, construction, maintenance, inspection and recycling & reuse.
A detailed description of these technologies, along with barriers and opportunities for cross modal application will be presented at the workshop. Discussion with stakeholders at the workshop will be held to identify potential research topics that could be of benefit to more than one mode. The two projects consortia have also communicated with stakeholders through a survey. The results will be presented at the workshop.
After a plenary session which introduces the workshop, presents the FOX and USE-IT projects and the preliminary results of the survey, participants will divide into 6 groups. The groups will discuss potential technologies for cross-modal use relating to different themes. Participants may choose 5 group discussions out of the 6 thematic groups they want to join (“World Café”).
Comments: Register now for workshop jointly organised by USE-iT, FOX and REFINET projects |