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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 Public consultation on Community innovation policy 25.09.2009

European Commission18 September – 16 November 2009:  The Communication Reviewing Community innovation policy in a changing world” presents an assessment of the achievements and shortcomings in implementing Community policies in support of innovation in recent years. Together with a series of more detailed Commission staff working papers, it serves as an input to the preparation of a new European innovation plan, as called for by the European Council.

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 New NPRA secondee at FEHRL 21.09.2009

FEHRL Secretariat welcomes Kjersti Wike from NPRA, Norway, to the FEHRL Office. She started her 2-month secondment in mid-September, 2009. Kjersti will mainly be working on an internal FEHRL project,  a survey of Transfer of Knowledge among European Research Institutes. The main focus will be to analyse the effect and added value of international R&D activity and cooperation on a European level, examining best-practice in knowledge transfer. The project will end on May 31, 2010.

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 EC online headline on ARCHES and SPENS Final Seminar 09.09.2009

European CommissionThe European Comission has posted a headline news article entitled "Road infrastructure projects bridge gap between newer and older EU Member States" about the ARCHES and SPENS Final Seminar that recently took place in Ljubljana. Please click here to be re-directed to the article.

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 ARCHES and SPENS projects Final Seminar 02.09.2009

SPENSARCHESThe final seminar of the ARCHES and SPENS projects took place in Ljubljana on 27 – 28 August 2009. The two projects, which mainly focused on the road and bridge infrastructure needs of NMS and Candidate Countries of the EU, have now officially ended (31 August 2009). The seminar itself was a huge success attracting 120 people from across Europe and one representative of SHRP 2 USA. The audience, through the presentations, were provided with the objectives,  results and  achievements of the projects.

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 TRB Seeking Expert Task Group Nominations for 2010 SHRP 2 Projects 25.08.2009

TRB Strategic Highway Research ProgrammeTRB's second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) is soliciting nominations for members of Expert Task Groups (ETGs) that will develop requests for proposals for individual research projects as part of SHRP 2 Capacity and Reliability focus areas activities in 2010.

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