file zone of the Knowledge Centre

FEHRL \ Projects \ SMARTRAIL \ Public \ CETRA Dubrovnik May 2012

     Infrastructure Manager Needs (3 SMARTRAIL Infrastructure Manager needs 120507 CETRA.pdf - 228.54 KB )
     Purpose of the workshop (2 SMARTRAIL purpose of the Workshop 120507 CETRA.pdf - 104.22 KB )
     Smartrail Overview (1 SMARTRAIL_Overview 120507 CETRA.pdf - 949.06 KB )
     WP1 Monitoring and Inspection (4 SMARTRAIL WP1 Sensors120507 CETRA.pdf - 1723.48 KB )
     WP2 Assessment and Modelling (5 SMARTRAIL_WP2 Assessment and Modelling 120507 CETRA.pdf - 1218.37 KB )
     WP3 New rehabilitation technologies to extend service life (6 SMARTRAIL_WP3 Rehabilitation 120507 CETRA.pdf - 2584.52 KB )
     WP4 Whole life-cycle cost calculation tools (7 SMARTRAIL_WP4 LCC 120507 CETRA.pdf - 850.68 KB )

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