Infravation to feature at IALCCE 2016 on 18th October 2016
Infravation Forum session to feature Infravation Coordinator and Infravation Call Manager
The paper for an Infravation forum session at the Fifth International Symposium on Life -Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE2016) has now been accepted - see and is scheduled in the afternoon of Tuesday 18th October in Delft, the Netherlands. The forum, entitled "Infravation: advancing infrastructure innovations through transnational collaboration", features Infravation Coordinator Peter Wilbers and Infravation Call Manager Richard van der Elburg.
As well as the Infravation IALCCE forum session, an Infravation Steering Group meeting will be held in the morning of Tuesday 18th October and a meeting of the Scientific Panel and the coordinators of the research projects in the morning of Wednesday 19th October at a venue very close to the IALCCE conference.
IALCCE, which takes place from 16-19th October, brings world experts together, to share recent progress and formulate future directions to life-cycle civil engineering IALCCE 2016. Register now as Early Bird Registration expires on 1st July!
Comments: Infravation to feature at IALCCE 2016 on 18th October 2016 |