

Brno commitment for better mobility in Europe’s urban areas

Together with the Chairmen of ECTRI, EURNEX and Humanist,  FEHRL President, Claude Van Rooten, signed the Brno Commitment on Research and Innovation for Urban Mobility.  Bringing together the key research organisations in the field of urban transport,  the signatories commit themselves to work with the relevant stakeholders, municipalities and regions, European Commission and the private sector to tackle the key challenges of sustainable urban transport.

Claude Van Rooten presented the key elements of the Commitment and stressed the ongoing cooperation between the signatories which furthers the objectives of the Lyon Declaration,  the important role of infrastructure research to tackle urban challenges in a multi-disciplinary manner,  the vital links with training and for continued support from the European Commission to create a better environment for European citizens.
The Brno Commitment was a key output of the ETRIW (European Transport Research and Innovation Week) that took place in the city of Brno in the Czech Republic as part of that countries EU Presidency activities.  The event was organised on behalf of the Czech Presidency by FEHRL member CDV .

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