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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 EC releases progress report covering the first two years of FP7 07.05.2009

The European Commission has presented a progress report covering the first two years of the 7thEU framework programme for R&D (FP7), which will last until 2013. The biggest EU R&D funding programme ever, with a €54bn budget over 7 years.

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 ARCHES newsletter published 30.04.2009

The partners of the FP6 project ARCHES (“Assessment and Rehabilitation of Central European Highway Structures”)  published their first newsletter. If you would like to know more about proof load testings on bridges in Poland and Slovenia, on corrosion monitoring, prevention and protection, Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concretes,  as well as on the promising technology of concrete columns wrapping with FRP materials, please download the newsletter.

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 FEHRL: New Office Assistant 30.04.2009

The FEHRL secretariat wishes a warm welcome to its new Office Assistant: Sylvia Derveaux.  Ms Derveaux, who joined the FEHRL Office end of April 2009 has a Bachelor in Business Administration from UBI (United Business Institute) and speaks French, English, German fluently with good skills in Spanish. She also has a two year experience in Office Management. Ms Derveaux will mainly be in charge of administrative tasks, but will also maintain the FEHRL website and the FEHRLopedia.

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 FEHRL booth at Research Connection 2009 27.04.2009

On May 7 and 8, FEHRL will participate in the "Research Connection 2009" event that will be organised under the Czech EU Presidency by the European Commission/DG Research. For more information on registration etc. please turn to the EC website. The programme of the conference and workshops is available here. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

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 Tyre Labels to Show Fuel Efficiency, Safety and Noise 06.04.2009

According to the European Parliament’s  Industry Committee,  Tyre buyers will be better informed about their fuel-efficiency, safety and noise performance thanks to a mandatory tyre label proposal they voted through on Tuesday.  Like the European energy label, the tyre label will use fuel-efficiency classes ranging from best-performance (green “A” class) to worst (red “G” class). It will also show the tyre's wet grip and noise performance.

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