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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 Signs survey - overcoming confusion? 07.11.2008

EuroTest’s latest survey reveals that 61% of the drivers surveyed consider the presence of too many signs as well as misplaced signs to be the main reasons why European drivers get lost when driving in unknown environments and areas.  The survey revealed that drivers trusted the roadside signposting more than their using navigation systems when the advice given conflicted.  FEHRL's Heavyroute project on route guidance for heavy vehicles is attempting to address some of the particular challenges faced by truck drivers in this respect.

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 FEHRL and ECTRI Presidents meet 05.11.2008

On November 4th, FEHRL’s President, Claude Van Rooten, hosted Guy Bourgeois, ECTRI President. They discussed different aspects of cooperation which included the Young Researchers Seminar 2009, an event FEHRL is co-sponsoring with ECTRI and FERSI, and the EU Presidency “Sustainable Transport & Mobility Research and Climate Change event.

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 Heavyroute, SPENS, ARCHES and CERTAIN presented in Paris Exhibition 03.11.2008

From the 14th till the 16th of November, the European projects HeavyRoute, Arches, SPENS and CERTAIN will be presented at the European City of Science Exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris, France. This event, acting as a kick-off for the Science Festival, is organised during the French Presidency of the European Union by the Ministry for Higher Education and Research.

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 ETRMA Safety Quiz 2008 30.10.2008

The European Tyre and Rubber Manufacturer's Association (ETRMA) have compiled a quiz as a contribution to the 2nd European Road Safety Day.

Follow the link to take this fun quiz, with awards for the best scores!

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 Tyrosafe national policies workshop 22.10.2008

The EC supported Tyrosafe project organised its first workshop today in Portoroz, Slovenia.  Attracting international participation from road agencies, contractors, tyre industry, consultancies and researchers,  extensive consideration was given to national policies related skidding resistance, noise and rolling resistance.  

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