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Through research collaboration, the objectives of FEHRL are:

  • To provide scientific input to Europe and national government policy on highway engineering and road transport matters.
  • To create and maintain an efficient and safe road network in Europe.
  • To increase innovation in European road construction and road-using industries.
  • To improve the energy efficiency of highway engineering and operations
  • To protect the environment and improve quality of life.
 FEHRL's third newsletter 2015 now published 01.07.2015

FEHRL's third newsletter 2015 now published with details on the sixth FEHRL Infrastructure Research Magazine (FIRM6).

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 Sixth issue of FIRM focuses on FEHRL Infrastructure Research Meeting 2015 (FIRM15) 25.06.2015

Sixth issue of FEHRL Infrastructure Research Magazine (FIRM) focuses on FEHRL Infrastructure Research Meeting 2015 (FIRM15)

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 Call for papers for Fifth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering 22.05.2015

IALCCE 2016 to be held on 16-19th October 2016 in Delft, Netherlands

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 FEHRL's second newsletter 2015 now published 22.05.2015

FEHRL's second newsletter 2015 now published with details on FEHRL Infrastructure Research Meeting 2015 (FIRM15).

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 One day workshop on Transport and Climate Change 13.05.2015

Workshop organised by ETRA and IFSTTAR to be held in Paris on 6th July 2015

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